Community Pharmacy Scotland

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PCA(P)(2021)20 - Amendments to the Base Payment for Pharmacy First

Published: 08/12/21

Circular PCA(P)(2021)5 set out the arrangements for the settlement for pharmaceutical services for the period 2020-21, including for NHS Pharmacy First Scotland. This circular advises of an amendment to the monthly base payment.


The Circular set out the three year community pharmacy funding package to cover financial years 2020-21 to 2022-23. As part of this settlement, contractors were intended to receive a £1,250 monthly base payment for NHS Pharmacy First Scotland, with a reduction on this value over the three year settlement.

In response to increased workloads due to the COVID19 pandemic, the Scottish Government, in agreement with Community Pharmacy Scotland (CPS), postponed any reduction in the value of the base payment until October 2021.

Following a review of activity data, the Scottish Government has now agreed with CPS that the NHS Pharmacy First Scotland monthly base payment will be reset at £1,000, effective for the period 1st January 2022 – 31st March 22.

The base payment will be reviewed during the financial year 2022/23 based on latest data and further reductions applied.

In line with the financial settlement, any quantum removed from the monthly base payment will be redistributed via the activity payment pot.


Community Pharmacy Scotland has been consulted on the content of this circular.


NHS Boards are asked to:

  • note the contents of this Circular

  • copy the contents of this Circular to community pharmacy contractors on their pharmaceutical list and Health and Social Care partnerships