Community Pharmacy Scotland

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PCA(P)(2020)06 - Updated MAS Arrangements from 1st April 2020

Published: 31/03/20


This Circular encloses amendments to the Health Board Additional Pharmaceutical Services (Minor Ailment Service (Scotland) Directions 2016 for the Minor Ailment Service (MAS) in respect of eligibility for the service, which come into effect on 1 April 2020. It provides an update to the arrangements outlined earlier in circular PCA(P)(2020) 5. This circular supersedes circular PCA(P)(2020) 5.

It also advises of a postponement to the introduction of the NHS Pharmacy First Scotland service, which was due to start in April 2020.


NHS Circular PCA (P)(2016) 12, issued on 20 July 2016 provided updated Directions – the Health Board Additional Pharmaceutical Services (Minor Ailment Service) (Scotland) Directions 2016 (“2016 Directions”). The 2016 Directions were subsequently amended by the Health Board Additional Pharmaceutical Services (Minor Ailment Service) (Scotland) Amendment Directions 2018 issued under NHS Circular PCA (P)(2018) 5 (“2018 Directions”).

NHS Circular PCA (P)(2020) 5, issued on 22 March 2020 advised of a change to the eligibility criteria for the Minor Ailment Service (MAS) in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.

This circular provides further details on eligibility and supersedes circular PCA(P)(2020) 5 in terms of who can access the service.


The amendment Directions attached at Annex A amend who is an “eligible person” for MAS to anyone who is registered with a GP practice in Scotland on a permanent basis or who is registered with Defence Medical Services, being the medical services of the air force, army and navy of the United Kingdom.

Other eligibility requirements based on age, medical exemptions and income related benefits are now removed by this amendment. It should be noted that residents of care homes and people who are registered with a GP practice on a temporary basis are not eligible for MAS. Annex B sets out the eligibility criteria that applies from 1 April 2020.

MAS, as amended by the 2018 Directions. The amendment Directions must be read alongside the 2016 Directions for 9. Every new patient who historically could not access MAS should be registered as having a War Pension exemption certificate (Exemption F). All claims will be submitted electronically via PMRs as is the case just now.

Pharmacy teams are trusted to use their expertise and experience to decide how best to deliver this “extended MAS” in their communities, though the expectation is that the service should be used for anyone appropriately referred to pharmacy from NHS24 or other local triage services but can also be used by walk-in consultations.

The current MAS formulary in place in for each Board should continue to be used.

A separate circular outlining remuneration arrangements from April 2020 onwards will be issued in due course.

Current reimbursement arrangements will continue, with the addition of POM packs of Paracetamol products being allowed via a PGD to facilitate supply.

Postponement of NHS Pharmacy First Scotland

The NHS Pharmacy First Scotland service was due to go live on 22 April 2020. Due to the current pressures on pharmacy teams responding to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Cabinet Secretary for Health and Sport has decided to postpone the launch of NHS Pharmacy First Scotland until pharmacy teams have capacity to deliver the new service as fully intended.


Community Pharmacy Scotland has been consulted on the contents of this circular


NHS Boards are asked to:

  • Note the contents of this circular,

  • Copy this circular to all community pharmacy contractors on their pharmaceutical lists, Health and Social Care partnerships and the Area Pharmaceutical Board.